Monday, June 17, 2013

I'm not mine.

Whole day,
the sun may shine on you,
but the sun is not yours.

Full moon day,
whole night the moon may smile at you,
but the moon is not yours.

Pouring day,
the rain may quench your thirst,
but the seeded black clouds are not yours.

You may be that beautiful flower
and the sweet fragrance may reach me,
but I'm not the gardener.

You may feel me here and there;
As I belong to her, I'm not mine,
 and can not be yours.


  1. Thank you for inviting me
    to see the secret world.
    I respect Sita's Kanak Rekha,
    and don't cross it. If you like,
    take me.

  2. desired rain
    undesirable pain
    Oh god ! what is the gain ?
