Friday, June 21, 2013

Ganga : Her Fury,

Sitting on snowy and shining Mount Kailash,
feeling the warmth of embrace and  love of Parvathi.
Ornamental silvery crescent on top,
and spreading the hood and dancing cobra around the neck,
enchanting smile of Lord Shiva pervading the Universe !

Oh Ganga! Pavitra ! Pabavimoshini !
you calmly springing from His head 
and flowing down through 
the Mountains and terrains,
honoring the river banks.
Happiness of humanity overflowing,
prosperity touching their life,
thanksgiving pilgrims visit your temple.
Oh Lord! Neelkanda ! Parameshwara !

Oh God! the magnificent and merciful !
Now, unseen fury, heavy rains, flood and landslide, 
thousands missing, not known gone where.
houses collapsing like pack of cards,
man made disaster not to blame you.
Pray you pardon human sins,
rescue them and send them back to their homes.
Their families waiting anxiously for their return.
Oh Meenalochini! Mrignayani !
Oh Parvathi !


  1. Jai Jawan
    You saved the lives of thousands
    of people. You only deserve the credit.
    You have the potential, ability and capability.
    Marvelous and exemplary work.Keep it up.

  2. Nice dedication to lOrd Shiva anda equally heartfelt prayers. Thanks for flying by...

    1. Thank you for the appreciative comment,
      with kind regards and good wishes.
