Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Oh Sumangali !

Oh Sumangali ! 
Sowbhagyavathi !
India's pride,
And Scientists are proud.
Oh beautiful bride !
We decorated you
spending ₹450 crores
and with the gift of Mangalyaan

You left by the aerial palanquin PSLV-C 25
for your 400 million kilometers long journey
lasting 300 days
to meet your martian groom.
Our tears as it is your
non-returnable  one way trip.

Also, Mars, the groom is rough and malefic,
with your kindness
handle the fellow carefully;
Hope that God bless you
and you earn good name for
Mother India.


  1. Oh my dear lady,
    By boosting the apogee, you attain the required
    orbital velocity to escape the attraction of earth's
    gravity, preparing yourself for the long journey
    to meet your Martian lover. Till the end of month
    happily stay put in the orbit.

  2. Golden moments under the Blue sky
    by ABM manoeuvre to 2 lakh kms.
    Tears or dew drops.

  3. Bharat Ratan,
    Life between 22 yards
    for 24 years.
