Thursday, May 17, 2012

Silappadhikaram - VIII

(Literary Appreciation)
Oh, Madurai !
Having decided to go to Madurai, together Kovalan and Kannagi
proceeded. They wanted to sell the anklet of Kannagi, the only 
remaining jewel with her, get the money to invest in business.
On the way, they met Kaunthi Adigal (கௌந்தி  அடிகள்), 
a Jain nun, who was very kind to them,  
especially to Kannagi. She advised to them
the principles of life en-route.

The fluttering Royal Pandian Flag with Fish emblem 
on the fort appeared as if saying to them not to 
come to Madurai, possibly indicating 
the disaster going to occur shortly. 

After reaching Madurai, Kovalan and Kannagi happily
spent the night in a friend's house thinking of their 
new happy lease of life together . But, they were 
not aware what the fate had them in store next day. 
If known, they would not have closed their
eyes that night. Poor dolls in the hands of fate !
That was their last night together.

Next day, out of the pair of anklets, Kovalan picked one.
Leaving Kannagi in the custody of the friend, he left for
the market to sell the anklet. A gold smith, who had stolen
the Queen's anklet saw Kovalan trying to sell his anklet.
He informed the King that he had seen the thief of the 
Queen's anklet trying to sell it in the market.

The Pandian King Nedunchezhiyan was in a hurry to reach
the Queen. Without any further investigation he ordered the
guards to "kill the thief and bring the anklet."
Guards acted as per the King's  order.
They caught Kovalan and killed him.
The fraud gold smith laughed.
Also the cruel Fate.
Dead Kovalan & inconsolable Kannagi 
Others told. Kannagi heard.
Yes, Kannagi heard that Kovalan went to the market in Madurai.
Kannagi heard that Kovalan was trying to sell her anklet.
Kannagi heard that at the instance of gold smith, Kovalan was
implicated that he only has stolen the queen's anklet.
Kannagi heard that the gold smith had informed the Pandiyan
King Neduchezhian that he knew the anklet thief and that he is trying
to sell it in the market.
Kannagi heard that the King ordered to kill the thief and bring
the queen's anklet,
Kannagi heard that the guards went and held Kovalan
and brought to the place of killing,
Kannagi heard that.........
the guards killed Kovalan and 
he is dead.
The heavy thunderbolt struck on Kannagi's head.

Kannagi ran to the place, where slain Kovalan's
body was lying. Holding him she wept.....
wept......wept........and wept, inconsolably.
Tears in the eyes drained, but continued to cry.

Is this for which, she married Kovalan.... ?
Is this for which she lived with him happily
 for only short period...... ?
Is this for which, she was living calmly in separation,
when he went to live with Madhavi........ ?
Is this for which, Kovalan returned to Kannagi and she 
accepted him without any question...... ?
Whether he would have live long, if he had stayed
with Madhavi........... ?
Is this for which, they came to Madurai from Pukhar... ?
Is this for which, she gave him her anklet to sell.... ?
No .... no...., the play of fate was very hard.

Now, who will answer her questions.
Yes.... the king  in this world who killed her husband 
without any justice, he should answer.
The gods from other world, who were responsible
for her present condition.

People in and around and the friends tried to console her,
but in vain.

She knew very well that her husband was innocent and 
falsely implicated. How can they do this for her husband ?
They have to answer for this.

She straight went home, took her other anklet, which was 
with her. With that in her hand, anger bubbling in her eyes,
she proceeded to the court of the king
 Pandiyan Nedunchezhiyan.

                                               ........ 9

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